MORE About Brandon

Music is how we paint time.

Brandon Detra originally began his journey into audio engineering at around 12 when he wanted to take his musicianship to a higher level. Armed with nothing more than a low-end laptop and a cheap pair of desktop speakers, he sharpened his skills in as many genres and utilities as possible.

During and after graduating highschool, he continued his pursuits locally, performing in various local venues and lending his mixing and mastering abilities to anyone who needed him even doing live mixing at the highschool between his own performances at semesterly concerts.

Eventually, Detra was hired by Don Bluth during a production of Fiddler On The Roof where, while simultaneously attending rehearsals, Detra redesigned the audio systems for Bluth's Front Row Theater.

After moving to St. Louis, Brandon pursued his ambition for scoring more thoroughly and found himself in the company of the Webster University Film Department where he met Tanner Craft, Tim Sullivan and Devin Dillon and worked to score and foley their productions which led to Detra's involvement in Bomb Squad Productions. Detra's skills revolve around performing and writing music and foley.


